
Voorlezen uit 'Moppereend' in 10 verschillende talen / Reading Grumpy Duck in 10 different languages

English below
In het kader van de Nationale Voorleesdagen wordt in de Bibliotheek Eindhoven in 10 verschillende talen voorgelezen uit Het Prentenboek van het jaar: 'Moppereend'.

22 januari, 10.30 & 14.00: Engels
22 januari, 14.30: Spaans
24 januari, 15.30: Italiaans
24 januari, 16.00: Duits
25 januari, 10.15 & 11.15: Nederlands (Met Phoxy, hier aanmelden)
29 januari, 14.30: Hongaars
1 februari, 15.00: Turks (in Expeditie E)
1 februari, 15.00: Frans
1 februari, 15.30: Portugees
1 februari, 16.00: Perzisch

...En misschien volgen er nog meer. Houd deze pagina in de gaten!

Because of the National Reading Days, The Picture Book of the Year: 'Grumpy Duck' will be read aloud in 10 different languages.

22 January, 10.30 & 14.00: English
22 January, 14.30: Spanish
24 January, 15.30: Italian
24 January, 16.00: German
25 January, 10.15 & 11.15: Dutch (With Phoxy, sign up here)
29 January, 14.30: Hungarian
1 February, 15.00: Turkish (In Expedition E)
1 February, 15.00: French
1 February, 15.30: Portugese
1 February, 16.00: Persian

...And maybe more te come. Keep an eye on this page!

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During some of the events of the Library Eindhoven, pictures are taken for the potential publication on social media, online- or printed media. At lectures, mainly the speaker and the location as a whole, are photographed. Please inform the photographer, if you do not wish to be photographed.

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