Chinese storytelling / Chinees voorlezen
vrijdag 2 mei 2025 15:30 - 16:15
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Chinese storytelling / Chinees voorlezen

Chinese storytelling / Chinees voorlezen
Reading to kids is important and magical. It builds up the way not only to stimulate their imagination, to develop their potential toward languages, but also to increase their vocabulary and to contribute to their interactive skills. It also provides a lot of fun for them. That is why Chinese storytelling is here for your kids.

Storytelling in Best
Serena Wang, along with volunteers from various backgrounds, initiated a series of storybook activities for children in the local community. After moving to the Netherlands with her family in 2019, she became committed to fostering the language development of her children in Chinese and began teaching at the Eindhoven Chinese School. For the past four and a half years, she has dedicated herself to promoting Chinese language learning, particularly for children aged three to seven through these engaging storybook activities.

Best Library is happy to invite you and your kids in the age of 3 to 7 years old, to join in with the Chinese storytelling sessions. Sessions in Mandarin.

Location Bibliotheek Best Raadhuisplein 32, Best

這一系列繪本活動由Serena Wang號召各界志願者,共同執行而成,逐漸在周邊形成愛好閱讀人士的活動。她在2019年與家人及兩個年幼的孩子移居荷蘭,心繫孩子們延續中文母語的成長,在安多芬中文學校任教四年半之餘,更多方致力於推廣中文學習。活動內容適合三歲到七歲兒童。 2024-2025年中文故事時間定於 9月 06日、10月 04日、
11月 02日(週六特別活動)、12月 06日
週五下午 15:30 至 16:15 在Bibliotheek Best舉行。內容適合三歲到七歲兒童。 在此誠摯地邀請您和您的孩子一同來參與。
