Baba Marta / Работилничка за мартеници
woensdag 1 maart 2023 14:00 - 15:00
Locatie de Bibliotheek Eindhoven, De Witte Dame
Categorie Jeugd
Tags Jeugd 8-12 Workshop
  • 1 child gratis
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Baba Marta / Работилничка за мартеници

Bilingual event English/Bulgarian – suitable for children 6 - 12 year.
На 1-ви март заповядайте в библиотеката, за да изработим мартенички заедно!

The 1st of March is an important date in Bulgaria. We celebrate Baba Marta (Granny March) who brings with her the end of the cold winter and the beginning of the spring.

The workshop will start with a story about Baba Marta and her two brothers January and February. To honour Baba Marta children wear twisted white and red thread on their wrists, called Martenitsa (symbol of health and abundance). Children love creating their own Martenitsa which can also be attached to the clothes and decorated with different DIY shapes.

More information:

Helaas is het niet meer mogelijk om te reserveren. De reserveringsdeadline is verstreken op woensdag 1 maart 2023 om 15:00